Estados Unidos

É surpreendente o quão fácil é utilizar o software. Realizo os cálculos de forma muito mais rápida e fácil do que ao realizá-los manualmente e, mais importante, a equipa que presta serviço técnico ao cliente é fantástica e responde instantaneamente e de forma profissional a qualquer questão ou esclarecimento. Obrigado por serem tão incríveis. High fives!

The new Redi-Rock Wall Software incorporates three-dimensional analysis of specific retaining wall sections. It helps immensely to visualize the constructed wall by creating a rendered image of the wall.

The software in general is very good and ties in well with the way we do things here. From our review, the calculation results compares very well with our methods for both slope stability and settlement. The graphics and the ‘point-and-click’ data input are also very good and makes the program very easy to use.

Great software....highly recommend.....always updating/improving and implementing feedback from users.

I consider GEO5 far superior to other equivalent products from the competitors. GEO5 is versatile, friendly to use and it has multiple tools that allow to solve simple as well as very complex problems.

Excelente programa, interface de muito fácil utilização, resultados extremamente confiáveis.

O software GEO5 atende as necessidades do projetista e tem bom suporte técnico.

Prático, tem boa relação custo benefício e é confiável.

O GEO5 tem auxiliado de maneira decisiva o estudo das alternativas de solução dos problemas geotécnicos. As novas versões são fantásticas!!!

A decisão de implementar e utilizar o software GEO5 na Alston Associates foi uma das melhores decisões que tomei! Ao longo dos anos fiz vários pedidos de adaptação dos programas e todas as sugestões estão agora incorporadas no vosso software.

For years we have incorporated GEO5 analysis tools into our company Geosoil, obtaining reliable and satisfactory results in both form and substance.
The improvements have been continuous and have allowed us to grow in terms of quality and analysis in the Geotechnical Engineering that we develop.

I'm very happy with your programs. They are part of our tool in daily works.

GEO5 is a great contribution for engineering, allows to understand geotechnical theories through many programs with different solutions, consolidates the knowledge about the topics studied and allows to materialize a construction design and easily generate reports with very understandable graphic.

Ensinar como utilizar e interpretar resultados de um bom software como o GEO5 permite que os estudantes consigam avaliar e compreender o comportamento de uma estrutura no ambiente em que está inserida com base no dimensionamento realizado, ao mesmo tempo que nos mostra os seus sorrisos e agradecimento eterno.

The use of the GEO5 filled my expectations. It's very good. We used it at the Concesión Costera de CARTAGENA-BARRANQUILLA.

With the use of GEO5 we can continue to fulfill our mission, to provide a technical and quality service to our clients, taking into consideration that this program is based on modern research, which allows us to be at the forefront of optimal and safe designs.

GEO5 is a versatile tool to seriously analyze with the highest technology, the geotechnical area that is a fundamental part of our projects. It helps us understand the analysis and design processes of the different foundations, retainings, slopes, etc. This allows us to optimize our work and offer a better service to our clients, I highly recommend it.

GEO5 software is very well technically founded and very successful solving complex geotechnical engineering problems.The fact that the software is divided into modules for specific tasks makes it accessible in cost compared with the competition.

The GEO5 software is very useful. Thanks to this software, we have been able to design our own projects and advise our clients.

As a company that designs and executes geotechnical work and the most common tasks are slope stability analysis and retaining constructions, GEO5 helps us to quickly find effective solutions for it.

GEO5 helps me to reduce the time of modeling, analysis and design. The user interface is attractive, friendly and intuitive and it is easy to go from one program to another and what I appreciate the most is that everything is in your own language.
República Dominicana

Customer service pre and post sale is very good, the software excellent, easy to use and friendly.

The incorporation of GEO5 in the geotechnical area of LEMAC, allowed us to deepen the analysis capacity, position ourselves as leaders, providing differential value to our work. It is the indispensable tool for serious geotechnical analysis. It is great to be part of the GEO5 family!